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Title: Arquitectura e infraestructura: desarrollo de proyectos en el Perú
Authors: Salazar Cateriano, Roger César
Advisors: Pacheco Acero, Rosario Alicia
Keywords: Arquitectura;Infraestructura vial
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Abstract: A continuación, presentaré una serie de trabajos realizados en mi etapa profesional y en la que mi experiencia fue tomando mayor importancia para mi desenvolvimiento en el campo arquitectónico. Han sido varios años desde que egresé de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería y diversas las oportunidades en las que me he puesto a prueba; los entornos profesionales que me han acompañado en cada reto han sido fundamentales, así como la base adquirida en la casa de estudio. Los documentos, planos y gráficos que podrán apreciar has sido preparados en su momento para cada exigencia que el proyecto requería y de los cuales he sido partícipe directo. Espero que, la serie de proyectos que a devienen en las próximas hojas puedan dar muestra de mi participación y quehacer arquitectónico que ya forma parte de mi día a día.
The years that passed in the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Arts of the National University of Engineering (FAUA-UNI) were full of enriching experiences for my higher education. The building of the faculty itself became a book that taught in real time and this happened until the last months of my stay in this house. The workshops and classrooms witnessed my growth with each completed assignment; the classmates became strategic partners and the teachers were guides that marked the way forward. While I was finishing my studies, I had the opportunity to do pre-professional internships in offices that showed me the importance of field experience, where I applied the theory learned and had new assignments that accumulated knowledge that I have been carrying out day to day. In addition, my participation exceeded the goal of the commissions and I received the acknowledgments of my superiors; In the face of adversities and problems that always arise, I had the support of my colleagues and I understood the importance of teamwork. Then I graduated, and dressed with the security that gives you years of preparation I started to work in an office where I could participate in housing and trade projects of different characteristics each one; I learned about customer service and how necessary it is to position yourself in the market; the work is a fundamental part of the architect's trade, it is that ingredient that complements the theory received in the FAUA-UNI. All this becomes the perfect mix of knowledge that allows you to grow professionally. Along the way I had the opportunity to participate in road infrastructure projects, where I was able to get to know the reality of places far from the capital; I was commissioned to carry out studies that required analytical skill in the process to make diagnoses that would lead to the improvement of the inhabitants involved. Subjects such as habitability, ownership, negotiation and analysis were demanded as they were in the classrooms. The challenges are presented daily, and the one that arrives is never the same as the previous one; However, the preparation I obtained allows me to have the certainty that the decision- making and execution of them will always be oriented towards excellence in the professional quality that I intend to seal in each professional participation. Summarizing the path that has elapsed, I am clear that everything was adding up, the books, the workshops, the work teams, the achievements and mistakes. Everything ends up modeling the professional that appears before you today.
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